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Item Name: Deluxe Dad's Shave Gift Set
Category: Christmas Gift Set
Item Number: CS-6
Price: $129.95
Contains everything you need for comfortable, cool shaving, at a quality that should last a life- time. This wonderful set contains: 1) Real Men Shave With A Blade ceramic shaving mug; you can choose either the Double Edge or the Straight Edge style. 2) Quality Summer Coat Badger shaving brush; 3) # 70 Safety Razor that combines Old Fashioned shaving excellance plus cutting edge innovation. The razor comes with multiple settings for the blade; you experiment to discover the right setting for your face and then leave it there. The handle is marked 1 through 6 plus half way marks in between to keep up with your favorite setting. Will properly shave almost every kind of face and every type of curve and contour; 4) Shaving soap that leaves your face feeling refreshed and very comfortable, rather than slightly dry and irritated. Once you use this soap you will never buy anything else.


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